Chairwoman of the Greenmetric World University Rankings Visits NPUST


NPUST’s exceptional performance on the Greenmetric World University Rankings attracted a three day visit from Greenmentric Chairwoman and professor at Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Riri Fitri Sari, who arrived on campus accompanied by several other delegates on June 13th.While at the university, Prof. Riri Fitri Sari met with NPUST President Chang-Hsien Tai and had the opportunity to witness many of the university’s eco-friendly features. Director of General Affairs, Chin-Lung Chang, Dean of the International College, J.C. Leong and Vice-Dean of the Office of International Affairs, Pomin Li accompanied Dr. Sari on a tour of NPUST green energy infrastructure and introduced her to some of the related research results.Areas of interest covered on the first day included the student dorm waste water reuse system and heat-pump water heating equipment, the sustainable agriculture green energy green-house, and the Life Garden. On the second day, the delegates were taken to the Wildlife Rescue Center, the Shalin Center for Life Education, the Center for Agricultural and Aquacultural Product Inspection and Certification, and Jing-Si Lake. The guests also had a chance to experience the electric car developed by the NPUST Department of Vehicle Engineering for campus commuting.The three day visit gave the Greenmetric chair an opportunity to get a good feeling for the efforts NPUST is making on the sustainable energy front. Dr. Sari expressed her affirmation towards the research results and innovative capabilities that were shown to her at the various points of interest by faculty and staff members, and hopes to see the university continue to pursue eco-friendly development and sustainable operations in the future.