
Because it takes a lot of blue to stay green,
we do more than give water a hand conserve.
In NPUST, every drop of water counts.

Water Recycle
Processing Areas
50 %
Recycled water is
completely used for
garden sprinkler system,
toilet flushing, and
cooling system
50 %+
Water efficient

5 Waste Water Recycle Processing Areas to recycle waste water

To decrease water usage, increase conservation programs, and protect the habitat, NPUST has been implementing in rain harvesting system, ground water tanks and lakes or ponds management systems. More than 75% of water efficient appliances are installed and 100% of piped water consumed from the utility or piped water systems.
In NPUST, we have 5 Waste Water Recycle Processing Areas to recycle waste water.

Recycle Waste Water

Organic wastewater from Department of Aquaculture and Animal Farm are treated in a natural way. The wastewater produced from Student Cafeteria and Dormitory is diverted to one of the artificial lakes –Ying-Xia Lake–in campus and is processed by Environmental Center for the Environmental Protection, Safety, and Health. Recycled water from Ying Xia Lake to be used in cooling towers.


Sewage Treatment Plant

Groundwater, mountain spring water and rain are three main water sources for NPUST. They are 100% treated through the sewage treatment plant with help of organisms and aquatic plants and then are completely reused for watering and flushing.
Setting and Infrastructure
Energy and Climate Change